A Wedding , a cake and an auspicious occasion...
On the last Saturday of March 2019 our gorgeous daughter was married to the love of her life...It was an auspicious occasion, that is how the man of the "lets keep the peace and just do as I am told"always calls an occasion of celebration. I used about 60 pure white sheets to create a billowing tent behind the house it was attached to a marquee for extra space...the atmosphere it gave off was so peaceful. Photo Chong Wei Wei
It was amazing to finally use serviettes I got many years ago from my Mum. They weren't ones made by Mum even though she did the most beautiful handwork...hardanger,embroidery, tatting, crochet, knitting, sewing she did it all....but these she bought at H and J Smiths for my 40th birthday. It would have been so nice for her to see Nicole getting married but Mum is no longer with us. Mum also made bridal gowns .....she would have been honoured to make Nics dress but alas it wasn't to be.Photo Chong Wei Wei
Making the icing roses was so much fun. One of Nics bridesmaids and her Mum came a week early and spent an afternoon showing all the ladies how to make icing roses..It really was so much fun. I ordered a seal with the initial of Nic and Darren, I made icing seals and hid them on the cake
The roses were such a hit...and on the evening ,well the kids were super ready to gobble them down.

The cake was 5 tiers, the first a heavy fruit cake, the second a crab apple jelly mousse cake, the third a baked New york cheesecake and the fourth and fifth were stuck together with ganache to make a double layer baked lemon cheesecake ...so many people told me it was the best cake they ever tasted.. It was very rich so that was pudding after a brilliant feast of a meal. Thanks to" Fully Pitted". Photo Chong Wei Wei
There was a stressful moment when at 5 am on the morning of the wedding it was discovered someone had eaten some of the chocolate needed for the mirror glaze. Facebook request for chocolate was followed immediately by an offer from a neighbour ..she even delivered the chocolate to our home THANK YOU KAY SEAWARD....
How very special it was to let Nicole pour the mirror glaze on her own wedding cake...nerves gave way to a a just pour it attitude and away she went drizzling thick, shiny, velvety chocolate all over her cake...
It was fun sticking the roses in place ,easier than I imagined it would be...
and didn't it come up Ok... I was thrilled...I do love baking when I get the chance...
It almost seemed a shame to cut it ...but cut it they did ....Photo Chong Wei Wei
Mr Oscar certainly has a face that says one thousand words...

and those little fingers reaching reaching reaching .....
I will be putting more posts up ..ones of the garden and all the preparation work .The grounds and decorations were so cool ..just the icing on the cake so to speak....Photo Chong Wei Wei
Just an addendum ...Nic is a kindy teacher and before the wedding there was a mock wedding at her place of work..It was the cutest thing ..the children all dressed up and Nic wore a makeshift wedding dress...the children were so excited..It was so so cute...and you know what they even made a cake .
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