................................Without further ado.............................
Let me introduce.......A BOY
The day finally arrived when I was able to welcome the most beautiful little boy into our ever expanding Whanau.
Although he has no name as yet he certainly has a huge presence ....and I mean huge.
He weighed in at a whopping 4.5 kilos which in pounds is 9lb 14.7ozs.
He was born a few seconds after 10 past 2pm on Monday the 26th of May ........It was a beautiful day ...It had rained and hailed the day before even thunderstorms but when this man arrived ....It was calm.....
So pink and soft and oh so loved....
Hard to imagine this little man was in his Mamma's belly ....Just like this.....
Paternal Aunt or should I say Maternal
One never forgets....
My dear Dad, who is 88 years of age, has had 7 babies of his own with my Mum (who has passed away).
He is so proud of his grand daughter and I am so grateful he is alive to hold yet another great grandchild.
Dad suffered 3 heart attacks in the last week. Although they were not major it was enough to remind us that, OLD and Brand New there is a fragility to life and with that comes the need for gentle touch, kindness and care.
.........MUCH LOVE.......
I love my Dads hands I have always thought of them as wizards hands and even bought a wizard for the Christmas tree with hands just like my Pappa's.
Those hands have spent years working and moulding us all into what we have become today.
..My parents loved children and I must say all of my siblings have a special way with little babies and children and although as adults we may not see things equally we would all have to agree when it comes to babies and children we are all very able and capable of great love.

That place was reserved for Dads knee. Even when grandchildren came Dad's knee would again be occupied as he ate his meal ...
When it come to bedtime it was Dads shoulders that served as carriage ....
Dad was a soldier. He was conscripted so inevitably took part in a war where Holland
colonised Indonesia .
I believe it left him traumatised and he told me he feels resentful of all wars.
I am happy he feels that way about war.
Dad loved Indonesia, the food ( he loved to make Nasi Goreng) The beautiful woman, the heat ,the scenery and all that was pleasant.
He also deeply loved my mother to whom he was married for over 50 years....
Dad is an artist and a gentle man . It is cruel then to think this passive soul had to become a soldier after having to endure world war 2 in his own homeland of Holland.
When I was growing up there were 4 little watercolour paintings hung on the wall in our hallway.
Dad had bought them back with him from Indonesia.
A fond memory of mine is being perched on his shoulders as he stopped in front of each and explained ....This is Krommis and this is The Cock Fighter and this is.......
Then he would throw us into bed on the count of three after singing a little dutch song
"Jonas in de Walvis "which I believe means Jonas in the whale.
In recounting these stories I am reminded that memories are all that is left of my childhood.....
It is therefore, for me, so important to create wonderful memories for my little grandchildren to look back on. .
I hope I can make wonderful memories and create lasting loving impressions......
‘Incipit vita nova:
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?” ― Mary Oliver
These last two days have been a celebration of New Life and of Old Precious Life still retained.
I am so thankful I still have a Father alive to share the beauty of My Whanau ...
...........May the light shine from him and on you all ......
ReplyDeleteGee thanks Aunnie Kel