Gloria (in excelsis Deo)
It is hard to believe Christmas has come and gone
This year was our "off" christmas .That means our children all go to their respective in laws and we are left at home to relax and take a breather.Every second year we put on a huge Christmas Eve celebration.
This year christmas eve was a lovely evening spent relaxing at our daughters family orchard/gardens Always a pleasure to be at 'The Nook".
The time at home has been spent getting the garden tidy and putting out a few reminders indoors that it is actually Christmas.
The garden is looking very good this year ,it is so rewarding being able to cut huge bunches to bring inside.
I also had great success with "Three ingredient christmas cake". It was so rich so black and so moist ...It is so black with fruit it looks burnt. The smell of it cooking drove me crazy with lust for food...

Painting little Santa's to give away was also a bit of Christmas fun.
The man of the land was working very hard clearing old briar, blackcurrant, wild cherry plums and wild roses presumably grown once upon a century ago for their hips.
His little digger (Gloria the second) chugs away without complaint.His first little digger ,Gloria the first was the love of his life..
With that first digger he loved getting out and clearing scrub and rubbish,widening paths and hauling rocks and beams back and forward.
Giving a man a digger is a wonderful thing.......
Today Gloria II worked extremely hard ,whilst I, in 30 degree temperatures cut, pulled and stacked even more wood.
What a day of work. It is so gratifying salvaging all the sticks and great hunks of wood..
In Winter I will be ever so grateful for having worked through a hot Summers day to stay warm and have hot water for Winter.
WAtermelons are a growin..
The Cherry plum tree's i had to beg for ...DO NOT CHOP THESE DOWN PLEEEEEAAAAASE.
I pulled I snapped, I cut and I stacked..Do you see Gloria?
Dedicated to you Nicole this post..This is an update for you .
Happy Christmas everyone.......
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