Stay with me Summer
Why must you go
You've been so kind to me ...
and I love you so....
These first words are from the lyrics of a song I once learned. It continues....
Say that you'll always stay.
Why must you go away ?
....stay just for one more day..
This Summer saw the installation of a windmill....
The Autumn winds have begun...the ripe fruit is dropping fast The peaches and walnuts are dropping too quickly to keep up with and this year saw many peaches bruise and waste.
The preserver was kept busy and the nut roller continues to pick up hundreds of walnuts..
There is no doubt that this year we enjoyed an Indian Summer...
Lots of lake swims and dips in the river...long walks in the sun and an abundance from the garden...
I love Summer so much it is hard to let go and admit that next month will be our last month of Autumn...
Today it has rained steadily and the mountain tops are again covered in fresh snow. A sure sign that winter will soon be upon us....
The view out of the window is spectacular.
On days like today when it is too miserable to be outside I often thumb through my old victoria magazines and today I happened upon a picture that looked familiar.
described as a pair of sweet silver singers....
The little salt and pepper shakers were the exact ones I had picked up in a little junk shop...I couldn't believe my eyes...
Although one little bird was missing and it was very grubby I had fallen in love with the design.
I immediately got to and made my favourite cleaner the tinfoil and washing soda....
I could now clearly see the silver mark...I got so exited jumping up and down and calling to my family to look.
It is a shame one little bird is missing....that little pepper shaker sure needs a wee friend....
The wind outside has settled. It is time for a quick lunch then off to the launch of our daughters new children's CD
Feel free to visit Anna's pledge me site I keep watching it over and over just to see Oscar laugh and screw up his nose so cutely. Just copy and paste the link to your browser.
I can forget about Summer leaving for just a day because already the temperature has climbed again to 22C and the sun is warm on my skin..
Even though it really is Autumn I can pretend for one more day...
Till next time...Run and laugh and be happy.......and Find something in everyday that makes you joyful.
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