My dear friends from the Aged Care Home
Last autumn I had a van full of wonderful, exuberant elderly folk from the local rest home come by our garden to pick up walnuts to take back to the rest home .
They had a wonderful time and wanted very much to return in the Summer to see the garden.
Well return they did.
Their sensitive carers had made a wonderful picnic which they all enjoyed under our pergola.
For privacy reasons I couldn't name them but I can share a couple of stories with you.
They then each made a posy of flowers to take back with them.
It was a wonderful day
Buckets baskets and watering can at the ready ,full of blooms...
Look at those beautiful hands in the background.
The picnic consisted of wonderfully fresh club sandwiches, muffins and lots of piping hot tea .
The most adorable little steak and kidney pies with a home made preserve. Although I have never been a fan of kidney I was quite tempted when asked if I too would like one.I respectfully declined even though everyone kept saying Yummmmmmm they are so delicious.
My poor dad always complained about the terrible food he got at the rest home where he was, one day when I was there he got a saveloy and piece of white bread for his evening meal.Oh how he would have loved these little pies.
and I too had a mug of coffee , my favourite ,freshly ground and a drop of cream...
After the picnic the ladies got to and started their creations, the one male participant gave up pretty quickly and gave his flowers to his wife. This caused great hilarity with the ladies .He was called upon later to help tie each posie with a thread of flax .He sang a lovely song as he worked. It was so much fun
This was my favourite posie made by a delightful lady that said she would return and teach me how to make rose beads.....
another equally beautiful posy
and another
All of the posies nestled in the basket ready for the trip home.
Over the picnic the ladies and one gentleman chatted away.
Here is a story relayed to us all , it went like this.You might want to imagine the soft voice of an over 90 year old lady telling it.
One Evening , as I was throwing a little party I noticed our cat under the kitchen table whining and howling. I had fed it some of the stew with wild mushrooms that I had just fed the guests. In a panic I called the Dr and told him" I think I have just poisoned my friends with wild mushrooms".
We were all rushed to the Dr's office where we had our stomachs pumped.Whew that was a close call.
When we all returned to my place for pudding ( you see we were all hungry again ) there was the cat, still under the table ...but happily feeding 6 brand new kittens.
Everyone laughed and the lady that told the story beamed...Its nice to make people laugh.
Each one of us can do a good deed, every day and everywhere. In hospitals in desperate need of volunteers, in homes for the elderly where our parents and grandparents are longing for a smile, a listening ear, in the street, in our workplaces and especially at home.

Sometimes its just as much fun choosing which little jug or vase to use.
I have always loved to pick flowers and try to have enough to pick all year round.
I have passed this love on to my grandchildren .The three oldest grand daughters have become quite adept at making little nosegays tussie mussies and posies.
A daisy chain made by threading the daisies onto florist wire.The children also love to make daisy crowns.

Made when Grandchild number 1 was 6.

At four years old Grandchild number 2 was showing great skill.
Sometimes its just as much fun choosing which little jug or vase to use.
Sometimes its nice to stitch a posie.
and other times its just nice to look and touch and leave the blooms where they are.
You know .You are never too old to be young .Here, my Dad was being page boy for our eldest daughter ...he enjoyed every minute of it and refused to walk with his stick....
Be kind to someone you know If you cant give them a little bunch of flowers give them a hug and a huge smile.....or make them laugh.
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