A Caravan and a couple of chairs
A delay with the little caravan.....Oh Dear
Well the caravan is down from the hill but in the bringing it down the arm of the digger went right through the front smashing it in and breaking the window...Oh dear oh dear..I will take photos but it's been a bit devastating to say the least..I sometimes think all my projects are sabotaged in some way...Now I am attempting to panel beat a little before I carry on...oh dear oh dear.
A simple and delightful distraction has been to go to the local recycle centre, buy a couple of chairs and also to buy some fabric from our local buy sell and swap page and get to and recover the chairs.
It took hours to remove what seemed like several hundred staples but finally I had the fabric off to make a template ....
Pulling the fabric off was not as bad as I thought it would be .
The piping was the hardest .I had to borrow my daughter in law and upholsterer extraordinaire Kellys' sewing machine as I didn't have the right machine for piping.

I got quite excited as the chair began to take on a new look.
And was even more excited when I had it nearly complete.
The deep buttoning was no easy task..I recycled the buttons ,had to pull them apart and recover..The appliance that is used for this is very expensive so I asked the man of the inventions to think of something.. He did and came up with a simple effective free and easy technique using a block of wood a core drill and a rubber mallet...It worked a treat.
I have tried to add photos and videos of the button covering invention but this blog site Blogger has a new format and its not very user friendly...I can't even rearrange my photos.
I have one more chair ,exactly the same to do ..I hope to take more photos and some of the button covering apparatus ..it's so simple and works a treat.
I would love to have a programme that can show the before after photos in a split photo .
I guess the closest I can do is this
All that remains now is that I start the entire process again of course that means start removing several hundred staples.....Oh dear ...Maybe I should go out and look at the caravan again ...maybe it's still salvageable ...