This Summer must have been the hottest we have experienced to date.
It ended abruptly at the end of February with a cyclone, the first of two . It was a relief to be out of the heat but alas it didn't take too long before we were all longing for the heat to return to spend the last of the Summer days luxuriating at the lakes edge.
The garden has been extremely generous this year even without the much needed water.
So much work to still be done but wood is cut and stacked for Winter, harvest fruits are bottled or packed and frozen.
Days are drawing in and evenings are cool with red sky warnings of rain that doesn't quite make it.
The garden is in dire need of a good cut back and weed . I can't believe I only attacked all the hedges 2 months ago.
The annual A and P show has come and gone and very soon the little people will be here to search for treasured eggs left by the Easter bunny.
I am currently sporting a doozy of a black eye after a not too ripe peach fell from the top of the tree right into my eye.
I was home alone at the time and I can tell you it is a spooky feeling when you have had a good peaching and you feel fuzzy and all alone.
I drove myself to the local GP only to stop and vomit on the way ..I forgot what I was doing and started to drive to the recycle centre to see if there were any interesting finds but the pain in my head and eye reminded me "Oh Yes I am off to the GP" for a check of the peached eye.
I am pleased to report I am back to normal albeit sporting the best bruised face and a few niggles and headaches but nothing to complain about . How thankful and grateful am I for the brilliant care of the local medical centre. The lovely nurse Polly and the Dr on duty. and the fantastic staff at the optometrist .
I am so grateful to youngest daughter Nic and her partner for taking me the 230km trip to the bigger hospital just to rule out any permanent damage.
I am left rather afraid of the peach tree and will give it a good prune back in Winter.....
I will leave you with the photo's of the last few weeks ...Most of them will speak for themselves.
A full on dust storm just a day before the huge full on rain.

This Summer saw us fish and what great catches we got too.
During the hottest Summer the biggest fire over Wanaka seeing the smoke from the yard.

Like an Easter hunt I love finding the shells of eggs or ones that have long since blown from trees.
Rose sorbet .....
Apricots a plenty this year.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. Audrey Hepburn