Coddled Eggs

Coddled Eggs

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

...........Happy school days to you.........

Isn't it the best feeling .The anticipation of a birthday ...well it is when you are a child.
For our family it was little Maia who was having her last day at Kindy.With a birthday today it see's her begin a new phase in her little life.
Maia is off to school and her first day will see her go to the swimming pool .Oh the joy.
Her Daddy spent her last kindy day with her and bought a water melon along to be shared with all the children/.
But first there was the most important ceremony.
A tall cardboard hat , a special hat made by Maia for her very special mat time.
The big glittery number 5 said it all.

At the end of the Kindy day it was time for all of her Kindy friends to farewell maia.
A favourite song was chosen and for Maia it was (the natural panther)confused...that's Maia's 
interpretation of The national Anthem...Its her favourite.
Maia truly believes it begins with the words
God of Nature at my feet...and who's to tell her any different,
It was so touching to see all the cousins and aunts turn up to wish her well.

Please all be upstanding for  The Natural Panther...

little brother Soul cousins Matilda and Oscar share  Maia's Mummy and Daddy's joy.

Big cousin Tasmin looks on.

Time to light the little playdough cake 

Cousin Leo and cousin Oscar ready for a piece of watermelon.

Good bye kindy kids Hello school friends.

And Many Many thanks to the wonderful teachers that have already helped 5 of our grandchildren go on to school..
Rose....... Anike ...Huge Thanks.....

To top the day off Oma took Maia to town and let her choose whichever shoes she wanted from the shoe shop .A sparkly pair of gym shoes that had lights...
.Oh dear,  sporty sandals would have been better ...
but  oh the joy of it all,
  being allowed to choose.
Then off to the cafe for two cheese rolls and a bottle of organic apple pear and mango....and to top it off ...a slice of health bar from Soul foods.....
Happy School days Miss Maia.....

Saturday, 20 February 2016

..............And the rain came down............

Oh rapturous joy....
The heavens opened up and down poured the warm wet wet rain. It was intoxicating.

The earth where the fallen  gum tree leaves lay, gave off the headiest  fragrance of all .
Eucalyptus has never smelled so good............. That rain made the soil around me smell like warm  honey and milk.
The earth under the broom gave off a sweet coconut perfume whilst the grass smelled of marshmallow and roasted nut.

                                           "Oh I love the rainy nights" Eddie Rabbit

I love the smell after rain.
The smell actually has a name. It's called "petrichor," from the Greek words "petra," meaning "stone," and "ichor," which refers to the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods. 

The earth at my feet smelled alive again.
I felt alive again.
Like a demented woman I ran around outside clearing the drains and filling buckets with delicious rain water.
It was soft and warm on my body drenching my dress .

With only but a towel on my head I emptied buckets on the parched areas of grass and disconnected spouting and made tunnels to flow much needed water to struggling seedling trees.

and when the rain stopped the thunder rubbled and the lightning flashed and all the colours magnified ...

The plants held on to every drop....

The fruit puffed up and lost that wrinkled look , It was like rejuvenated skin ...

I could even cope with the weight of the rain on the plants....

It was still 24 degrees celsius so certainly was not cold.
I ran and skipped until I was so wet even the towel on my head was soaked.I must have looked a sight.
The neighbour came out for a look and a giggle.
Pure joy twas that rain.

'What's the Mongolian doing now" Lindy lamb

and no better time to get out the special summer cookbooks for some rainy day cooking....
Whoops.. gave one to my daughter and one to her friend Aunty Jones .....

I'm thinking pies for picnics containing stew made with big chunks of angus beef and apricots and red onion and carrots. 

Hold on ...It is still Summer and in a day it will be scorching 38 degrees again ...

Thank you Rain Gods....
Thank you for the rain and the days to enjoy it....

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

And I said to myself "What a Wonderful World"
Tree's of green..

Yes I said to myself What a wonderful world.

Daughter Nicole  enjoyed a very proud moment when Herself and  Ning her partner in  fashion business Empower Me  Presented Melbourne with a fashion show extraordinaire.
Big Brother Dane and sister in law Phil there to help support her.
Amazing Nicole Just Amazing.

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.

Nic and the Big Bro. How special is this.

They're really sayin ...I LOVE YOU 

Yes I said to myself

What a wonderful world....oh Yeah

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

                          In the pink

Little Matilda Betty is becoming quite clever with a needle and thread.
You know how some days you see  a colour and it just seems to be everywhere.

I have become so accustomed to only seeing the dried out colour of straw.
My lawns , the pastures around me, the dried out yellowy green in my tree's.

I just started seeing this washed out Naples Yellow every day.

 I have overlooked how much colour there is  in my life.
Pink has been prevalent in my weeks .Even my cheeks have been sporting a bright shade of pink.
Orange too ...lots of orange now that I come to think of it.

and......there is still lots of green to make me feel like life is all around me...

So I rejoice that there is infact no drought of colour in my life....