Coddled Eggs

Coddled Eggs

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

                     Willow tit Willow tit Willow

Although it's been great having the White Heron visit to my great sadness I find that every gold fish in the pond has gone......
Its been a sad week finding that all of my wee gold buddies that came to me when I called (I kid you not ) have been eaten by that beautiful big white bird.....

But the saddest thing of all is that on returning from a lovely little party for a dear friend's little tiny ...I discovered Willow my beautiful wee mate had been hit by a car and killed instantly.
My lovely neighbour was such a comfort.
Her daughter put Willow in a box with straw and popped her on my porch so I could find her on my return. It was obvious she was placed on my porch with great care and love. Thank you Charlotte.

I will miss my wee mate...I'll miss her scratching gently at the door , I'll miss her on my bed, I'll miss her cuddles and really I will just miss her.

“What greater gift than the love of a cat.” 
― Charles Dickens

The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats...” 
― Albert Schweitzer

Its late and I need to go to bed I have had that nasty cough that lingers and now this bit of sadness.....
Good Night followers and Goodbye Willow
Till my next post which I promise will hold a bit more cheer....goodnight